NMT Presents Top Faculty Awards at 2021 Graduation

May 8, 2021

Top faculty awards go to Dr. Nelia Dunbar, Dr. Bert Kerr, and Dr. Bruce Harrison


SOCORRO, N.M. 威尼斯人app下载宣布了2020-2021学年的最佳教师奖 5月8日星期六,在索科罗市体育中心举行的毕业典礼上.

超过220名2021级和2020级的学生参加了这次活动. The 2021届毕业生共有446人,其中330人获得学士学位,105人获得硕士学位 and 11 Ph.D.’s.  数百名家人和朋友聚集在会场参加这场活动 最后,学生们打扮成冲锋队员射击五彩纸屑的样子 over the graduates.

The top faculty award winners are Dr. Nelia Dunbar, Distinguished Research Award; Dr. Bert Kerr, Distinguished Teaching Award; and Dr. Bruce Harrison, Distinguished Service Award.

Dr. Nelia Dunbar

The 2021 Distinguished Research Award winner is Dr. Nelia Dunbar, Director of the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The recipient of the Distinguished Research 该奖项由技术教师和研究人员组成的委员会从候选人名单中选出 nominated by their colleagues.

Nelia Dunbar in her labDr. 邓巴1983年作为研究生第一次来到威尼斯人app下载. She earned her master’s and Ph.D. here at New Mexico Tech in geology and geochemistry. Since 然后,她在南极洲参加了20多次实地考察和研究 done there which formed the basis of her nominations. She has served as the New Mexico 自2016年起担任国家地质学家和局局长.

她的提名得到了新墨西哥大学同事的支持 of Arizona, and the University of Leicester in England.

Nelia Dunbar in AntarcticaDr. 邓巴在约会研究方面的工作赢得了国际声誉 用她的电子探针实验室从南极洲的冰芯中提取火山灰 Socorro. 除了在冰芯上工作,她还使用了她的仪器和分析 迄今为止,技能研究了各种各样的岩石、矿物,甚至人类化石遗骸.

Dr. 亚利桑那大学的杰伊·奎德写道:“我认为妮莉亚是最好的学生之一 volcanic petrologists in the country. Her excellence flows from having worked on so many different volcanic rocks globally. “

Dr. 新墨西哥大学的卡尔·卡尔斯特罗姆写道:“同样让我印象深刻 就个人而言,是合作和服务背景下的Nelia的研究成果 她对威尼斯人app下载,新墨西哥地质学会和新墨西哥的贡献 State Geologists have been unwavering for decades. … she insists on excellence in 地球科学研究、教学和服务的所有领域.”

Dr. 莱斯特大学的约翰·斯梅利写道:“我立刻就被打动了 她性格中有两个特别的方面:1)与人相处和调解的能力 在以男性地质学家为主、经常交战的不同团体之间,她的地位相当可观 camp management abilities.”

Smellie also praised Dr. 邓巴创建了最大和最高质量的数据集 对南极洲火山灰的分析,大大提高了我们的 能够将冰芯和全球火山爆发的历史联系起来.

每位写信人都毫无保留地赞扬了史密斯博士. Dunbar’s breadth and depth of her research. 他们引用了她37的高h因子和她的引用 number more than 4,500.

Dr. Bert Kerr

The Distinguished Teaching Award of 2021 winner is Dr. Bert Kerr of the Mathematics Department. Dr. 科尔得到了9名学生的提名,他们对科尔的表现给予了详细的赞扬 他的教学技巧,他吸引学生的技巧,还有他的幽默感.

One student wrote, “Dr. 科尔有这样一种具有感染力的精神和激情 让学生对应用数学感兴趣的领域.” 

Dr. 科尔在苏格兰爱丁堡的赫瑞瓦特大学获得学士学位. He then came stateside and earned his master’s and Ph.D. at Old Dominion University in Virginia in computational and applied mathematics. He spent one year at New Mexico 作为客座教授,1995年正式加入学院.

Another wrote, “Best professor ever. He makes math fun and I never felt intimidated when going to office hours. 他真的很关心他的学生,你可以看得出来 he wants you to succeed!”

Dr. Kerr多年来发表了十多篇研究论文 桑迪亚国家实验室的同事们也贡献了50多万美元 in funding to New Mexico Tech. But this award is for his teaching acumen.

还有一名学生写道:“伯特总是加倍努力,以确保学生们能做到这一点 successful in learning the material. He makes extra lecture material for every class and creates extensive review sheets. He is always accessible for questions and clearly takes pleasure in teaching. He is also rather entertaining and uses humor to make sure students are engaged. 他对在线课程的适应无可挑剔.”


Dr. 科尔也是第一个两次获得该奖项的教员.

Dr. Bruce Harrison

2021年杰出服务奖的获得者是Dr. Bruce Harrison of the Earth and Environmental Science Department.  Dr. Harrison was nominated for this award 表彰他长期以来对转校生的支持,尤其是来自少数族裔的学生 and international institutions. Since joining the faculty in 1994, he has secured 超过200万美元的赠款用于支持这些倡议. 

Dr. 哈里森获得了农业科学学士和硕士学位 在他的家乡新西兰的坎特伯雷林肯学院. He came to New Mexico in the 1986 to get his Ph.D. in geology at the University of New Mexico. After doing a post-doc in Jerusalem, Israel, Dr. Harrison returned to New Mexico and a teaching post at New Mexico Tech in 1994.

在提名信中,他的同事称赞他坚持不懈地倡导 on behalf of students transferring to Tech. He has long argued that NMT admissions 和NMT教师必须共同努力,改善学生向技术的过渡.

More importantly, Dr. 哈里森一直是旅行中急需的地面靴子 并与未来的技术人员和学生建立关系 administrators.

Notable efforts that Dr. 哈里森所倡导的是建立一个中心 水文创新,也是人工智能和数据科学中心.  Dr. 哈里森是该团队的一员,该团队正在与NMT校友. Raul Deju to create  the Hydrologic research center. These new programs have created collaborations 与国家研究实验室和NMT其他部门合作.

Dr. 哈里森是45多篇论文的合著者,参加了40多个会议 presentations. 他培养了12名地质学硕士研究生和15名学生 in the Masters of Science for Teachers program.

In short, Dr. 哈里森已经无数次地表现出来了,无论是在他的学术追求还是 他对学校的服务,表明他是一个忠诚而献身的学生捍卫者 and for New Mexico Tech.


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